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Dead Funny, pigmented ink on paper, hot press, cardboard, acrylic, enamel, collected objects.  16 x 18 in.


Clean Kill, cardboard, paper, wood, acrylic.  12 x 18 in.

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Homesick, pigmented ink on paper, matboard, hot press, cardboard, twine spool,

                     wire, cotton, acrylic. 13 x 27 x 5 in.

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Hold On a Second, pigment ink on paper, resin, wood, cardboard, plastic, sheet metal, foam core, wire, acrylic, hardware.   20 x 28 x 5 in.

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Don't Bother to Follow, pigment ink on paper, resin, plaster, dried flora, cardboard, foam core, wood, hardware.  19 x 17 x 5 in.


Teenage Poetry, silicon, plaster, plastic, dried flora, collected objects, wood, cardboard.  32 x 8.5 x 3.5 in.


Dead Guy's Coat, pigmented ink on paper, cardboard, acrylic, fabric, wire.  14 x 6.5 x 1 in.

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Go Eleven Thirty, pigmented ink on paper, matboard, paper, masking tape, ink, acrylic.  18 x 24 in.

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All Clear, pigmented ink on paper, cardboard, acrylic, registration tape.  12 x 14 in.


Every Now and Then, cardboard, plastic lid, collected objects, acrylic, american flag.  9.5 x 11.5 in.


Cannonballers, pigmented ink on sheet metal, enamel, matboard, wire, wood, hardware, cardboard.  15 x 9.5 in.

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